Our Services
How We Help
We offer a diverse range of expertise, but believe the most important component of therapy is the relationship between therapist and client. Without this respectful and trusting relationship, even the best methods will be ineffective. Therefore, we strive to provide a nurturing environment for each client through respect, acceptance, and understanding. From this foundation our therapists use their knowledge and techniques to guide each client toward their goals.

Our goal is to support each client in making meaningful life decisions through a greater understanding of self-compassion, which is an awareness that as we navigate the uncertainties of life, we all create ways to cope. Sometimes the ways in which we’ve taught ourselves to overcome obstacles can hinder us, but changing becomes possible when we understand how we protect ourselves. We can then explore new avenues to engage in life and find greater satisfaction.

Though two individuals come to couple therapy, we focus on your relationship as our client. We believe that couples form a closer connection to each other as the relationship is strengthened by making sure each partner feels secure and loved. In relationships it is common to feel “stuck” when we start to experience recurring negative cycles. Our goal is to help couples understand the cycles that are having detrimental effects, and change them. When exploring these cycles we work to create new, more positive patterns that can bring more enjoyment to the relationship, and will allow each partner to feel loved and respected.

When teens act in ways that are different from their norm, it’s likely that they are struggling to cope with difficult, new, or changing situations and emotions. Our goal is to increase each teen’s insight and understanding of themselves, and of the ways in which they can be successful in dealing with their given circumstances. We do this by giving each teen the respect of their reality, opening lines of communication that will allow them to feel heard, and by introducing new perspectives for them to consider. Because adolescents have a much better likelihood for positive outcomes when they are getting the emotional support they need, we often work to teach parents what is required for their child to feel this support.

In helping a child to open up and work through issues, it is important for them to feel cared for and supported. With this in mind, we strive to create a safe place for each child to come and share their concerns. And because working with the family is often an important part of treatment for the child, we work to help the family build this same environment of care and support in their home.

We are back in-person and will be offering group sessions. Please let us know if you are interested in group therapy for middle school, high school, adults/mindfulness and couples. Please call our office at 704-770-8049 or email at [email protected].